Rapid diagnostic test
for canine dirofilariosis
Selflab CHW Ag
Dirofilariosis is a parasitic disease transmitted by mosquitoes. Due to global warming this disease is appearing in more and more European countries.
With the Selflab CHW Ag test you can quickly check your dog and start the appropriate treatment.
It is a good idea to test your dog for parasitic diseases every time you return from vacation.
Symptoms of dirofilariosis:
- weight loss
- reflex cough
- shortness of breath and dyspnea
- fever
- heart murmurs
- signs of heart failure
- ascites
- exercise intolerance
Set contains:
- a pair of single use gloves
- razor
- cotton swab with alcohol
- single use blood lancet (color pink)
- tube with assay buffer
- all-in-one container (color blue)
- small adhesive bandage
- instruction of use